(Queen's Day Celebration)
HM Queen Beatrix Reigns 25 years !!!
Please join us for a celebration on
Saturday April 30, 2005 10 AM - 1 PM
Koninginnedagviering with the Dutch School Los Angeles
in North Hollywood
Come dressed up (* win prizes *):
Silent Auction (we could use more donations, thanks!)
Touwtrekken (help, wie brengt lang stevig touw?!)
Kids Flea Market (sell your kids stuff!)
Beads handicraft * Spek/koekhappen Picture with Queen/handicraft
Aardappellopen * Surprise bags * Blikgooien * Sjoelen
Facepainting * Portraits
Mjam Mjam...
Sateetjes eten * Hotdogs * Verse haring * IJs
Please come early to help us decorate and set up the simple activities,
while the children are having classes from 9 to 10.00 AM, bedankt!
Directions: Wesley School (parking behind red brick building of First United
Methodist Church), 4832 Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood
(where the 170 and 101/134 Fwys cross)
NO RSVP NEEDED - for info, email [email protected]
Beste families en vrienden van de Dutch School Los Angeles,
Dear families and friends of the DSLA,
We invite you all to our Queens Day celebration on Saturday, April 30,
2005, from 10 - 1 PM!
Please check if you have the following item(s) that you could bring:
- sjoelbakken
- Beach umbrella's/canopies, with stand
- Some more crockpots
- Large rope for Tug of War/Touwtrekken!
- Coolers (with ice?)
Please let Josca ([email protected]) know if you can make a donation for
the Silent Auction!
An empty stomach? (think sate and fresh haring)
Last but not least, a good mood, yipee!
There will be no admission fee, only some activities and the food items
will require tickets, available during the festival.
Enjoy, hope to see you all on Saturday, April 30!
Dutch School Los Angeles
This page updated 16 April 05